Sunday Morning

9:30am - 11:00am

Training starts at 9:00am sharp at the 1st Greythorn Scout Hall in North Balwyn. Please arrive 10 minutes before to allow time to get changed into either Hakama or Do-gi (if you have either).

(This class is postponed till further notice.)
Wednesday Evenings

7:00PM - 8:30PM

Training starts at 7:00pm sharp at the Booroondara Primry School North Balwyn, enter via the carpark at the rear of the school. Please arrive 10 minutes before to allow time to get changed into either Hakama or Do-gi (if you have either).

New students or beginners.

We offer a free introductory class and don't require any previous experience. The techiniques are fairly physical and so we ask that you attend in loose,  comfortable clothes. All weapons are provided by the club, but are available to purchase if needed.